
Global oil discoveries and new projects fell to historic lows in 2016

The offshore sector, which accounts for almost a third of crude oil production and is a crucial component of future global supplies, has been particularly hard hit by the industry's slowdown.



Digital Transformation in Oil & Gas: Transforming the Experience

Increased profits translate to more jobs. Higher employment translates to greater spending and an increase to a community's tax base. Communities thrive when oil & gas thrives.



Massive Natural Gas Deposit Discovered In The Gulf Coast Basin

Technological advancements have just pushed the boundaries of recoverable oil and gas in the U.S. further, according to an announcement by the U.S. Geological Survey.



State air-quality agencies' report tracks pollution control progress

"The Greatest Story Seldom Told: Profiles & Success Stories in Air Pollution Control" includes key metrics from concentrations of criteria pollutants like ground-level ozone and air releases of toxic chemicals to compliance and enforcement activity...



ANALYSIS-New U.S. pipelines to drive natural gas boom as exports surge

U.S. energy firms are scrambling to finish a slew of pipelines that will unleash rich reserves of shale gas in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio as the nation prepares to become one of the world's top natural gas exporters.



New API poll shows consumers concerned about potential increasing costs of ethanol mandate

API Downstream Group Director Frank Macchiarola released a new poll showing that consumers are concerned the Renewable Fuel Standard could hurt their pocket books.



API's Gerard releases new study on impacts of restricting fossil fuel production

API President and CEO Jack Gerard stressed the need for forward-looking energy policies that embrace the U.S. energy renaissance as API released a new study examining the negative impacts of policies that restrict the production of fossil fuels.



Environmental groups challenge Keystone XL pipeline approval

A coalition of environmental groups challenged the federal permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline in court on Thursday because they say additional environmental scrutiny is needed.



Trump's big climate change splash

... two months into his presidency, how much impact is [Trump] having? ... let's look at where Trump's actions to date will or won't move the needle...



What Does President Trump's Energy Independence Executive Order Do, and Why Does it Matter?

It's a bold order, with an overarching vision statement followed by a package of supporting actions involving numerous agencies and aspects of the energy economy.