National Energy Issues
The United States is at the beginning of an energy revolution. Domestic production is reaching levels not seen in decades and our energy imports are falling. We are learning to balance the use and development of all our energy resources, including fossil, renewables, alternatives.
This brings both opportunities and challenges.
It is imperative that the industry, in coordination with citizens and policymakers, work together to maintain America's position as a global leader. We must create policies that recognize the economic, safety and environmental implications; that adhere to reasonable regulation and oversight; and leverage American ingenuity to constantly improve in all areas -- including those in conservation and efficiency.
We can achieve our energy goals and remain an energy superpower if our policymakers take the time to fully understand the issues, and make sound, fact-based decisions. It is the goal of this Forum to help educate citizens, industry and policymakers alike so decisions are made in the best interest of all Americans.